When Jennifer Ripp "dress" found on their marriage in August 2012, she hoped.
"I pretty much found the wedding dresses I love, but I want my maid of honor to come and help us," he said.
Ripp, of Howell, visited a bridal shop before, but had a bad experience. So when he asked his friends to go anywhere else on Facebook, a friend of Gina was a proposal to Milford. She and some friends ventured east of the city this summer, check it out. His time Gina was much better, as it was successful.
But back to the girlfriend Gina was a little difficult. With conflicting schedules - Ripp is a nurse in San Jose, in Ann Arbor - it was not until the end of October, took a second look at your favorite dress. With the maid of honor at his side, he tried several dresses before the release of first choice. She was ready to buy.
Little is known about Gina Salaski Ripp, owner Gina girlfriend knew something special planned. The store, which opened six years ago kept track of all the wives who helped, and the store was sold on the edge of wedding dresses 1000.
"I thought it was funny when a girl will be our 1,000 th," said Salaski.
In October, Salaski knew it was the next step. The 22 companies in October, a Saturday open, Gina sold with 995 wedding dresses. A beautiful autumn day, four dresses in the morning with two events planned for the afternoon sale.
"We knew that he sat down and finished in first place for it," said Salaski. When Ripp, decided to buy the dress of other clients, he won. But another friend bought a dress that does not mean Salaski chest until it is the only customer left.
"I have my sister, Andrea's place," he said.
Ripp asked why it takes so long to complete the purchase, but soon finds.
"If I said I was surprised. I did not know, "he said. "I am so taken, and honored. It was crazy here Saturday. Everything was perfect. "
Ripp, Jeff Ellsworth, spent a paramedic parked in the Milford Huron Valley. The establishment of a pair of 10th August 2012 (10/08/12) of the wedding.
Ripp told his girlfriend Gina called friends, they will do the same. A colleague recently hired, and suggested that shop Milford chest.
"From the moment I came here, Gina was great," said Ripp. "It's a good group of people."
Gina married celebrated its sixth anniversary on 9 November 2005 Opening late, shortly before Michigan's economy began its collapse.
"Things went well located," said Salaski. "We have increased each year. We opened just before the economy crashed, and we storm. We have been blessed. "
Wife Gina offers a mix of cheap wedding dresses classic and contemporary bridesmaid dresses and accessories.